Boise High School   Class of 1978
Boise High School 

Class of 1978

Home Memory Book Reunion Photos Contact Graduation Program Yearbook Pictures Class Roster Guest Book In Memoriam
In Memoriam

We wish to recognize the members of the class of 1978 who are no longer with us. 

If you have any information on a deceased classmate, please E-Mail  the information.

Joe Aldape Patrick Britain Molly Brown Markie Browning  Patrick Calhoun Richard Campos Tami Deppel
Mark Fannin  Michael Farley James Ferrel Kari Fuhriman Doug Haag Joan Hartz  Craig Imlach 
Laurel Jackson   Stephanie Joslyn  Tami Kennedy   Gloria Kimball  Darla Larsen  Lora Libby   Brian Lott  
Cindy Moren  Patrice Nelson  Sheri Nelson  Renee Parsels Tony Powers  Mark Reynolds  Brent Ring  
Cindy Roderick  Jack Schlaefle   Jackie Simmons   Les Smith  Matthew Thimsen      Brent Watson Rob Watson
Corey Wilhite